The God Who Does Miracles

The God Who Does Miracles

“In my village, more than 80% adhere to the belief system that I was born into and had practiced until I got married. My entire neighborhood belongs to this religion.

Before I became a Christian, I had been an epileptic since childhood. One day, I went to listen to the New Testament on a Proclaimer out of curiosity and heard that my God is the God who does miracles. I was intrigued by this message and began to believe in His power.

"Seven of my friends received Jesus Christ because of my testimony."

The passage that attracted my attention was: ‘When they returned to the crowd, a man came to Jesus, knelt before him, and said, “Sir, have mercy on my son! He is an epileptic and has such terrible attacks that he often falls in the fire or into water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.” Jesus answered, “How unbelieving and wrong you people are! How long must I stay with you? How long do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy here to me!” Jesus gave a command to the demon, and it went out of the boy, and at that very moment he was healed’ (Matthew 17:14–18).

Today I am healed and I thank God for his miracles to me. Seven of my friends received Jesus Christ because of my testimony. Now, I teach the local trade language to these friends, so they can evangelize others.”

Spiritual Sight

Spiritual Sight

​Though Jose was born with only peripheral vision, he’s a brilliant young man who is eager to learn new things and experience new adventures. His vision issues didn’t keep him from finishing school through the 9th grade and becoming the best reader and writer in his mother tongue of Buglere. After that, Jose wanted to continue his education, but his peripheral eyesight was getting worse. Somehow, he learned about . . .

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Loving the Discarded

Loving the Discarded

"What would happen if you took a group of homeless, drug-addicted street kids and believed in them? Four years ago I did just that. I adopted a community of 17 kids living on the streets of Mexico City; all were addicted to inhalants. Unfortunately, 3 of the original 17 have died. But for the rest, the future is promising. I'm not declaring total victory, because it’s common for . . ."

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“It spoke directly to my heart”

“It spoke directly to my heart”

A seemingly shy group of women waiting outside their church for a prayer meeting became very animated when asked about the impact of Audio Bible listening in their lives. One of the young women shared: “Everyone here speaks Cakchiquel. Before, when the Scriptures were read in Spanish, there were many words we did not understand. When the Audio Bible came, it was like a miracle. The meaning was clear and we understood everything. It was also like a video, because . . ."

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