From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

​“Don’t let them in! They bring confusion! They’ll steal your children – don’t let them into your houses!”

​Chalchiuitl looked up for a minute as the message broadcast through the pueblo – then went back to braiding grass. She made 20¢ for every eight feet she braided. At that rate, she needed to stay focused and keep working. But she would listen to the religious leader – she wouldn’t talk to the strangers.

Proclaimer in MexicoWithin a week, the strangers left. Over the next couple of years, she saw her neighbors who had talked with them listening to a black box. At first she avoided them, but as she saw them continue to listen, she got curious. One day she got near enough to hear. It was the Bible – in Nahuatl Guerrero! She was surprised. What could be wrong with that?

​She knew when her neighbors listened, so she started making it a point to pass by; walking slowly, looking pointedly down at the grass she was braiding.

Three years later, the men came back. She was so happy. Chalchiuitl had secretly hoped for one of the black boxes – she wanted to hear more of God’s Word. When they came to her door, she welcomed them. They gave her a Proclaimer and now she listens all day as she braids grass; glad when people walk by, so they, too, can hear.

Mexican man holding ProclaimerThis man is the father of a pastor in the pueblo. He also wouldn’t talk to the strangers three years before. Even though his son said they were good men, he wouldn’t acknowledge them. But over the last couple of years, he too had been overhearing God’s Word. When the men came back this time, he took a Proclaimer. Now he walks around every waking hour with the Proclaimer on, as loud as possible, sharing it with all who will listen.

Josue has been beaten and harassed more than once for sharing his faith

Further north, among the Nahuatl Huasteca, Josue leads what he calls an “Army of Soul Harvesters” who share God’s salvation message throughout the Hidalgo Mountains. Josue has been beaten and harassed more than once for sharing his faith.

​Two decades ago, he worked as a camp caretaker and lived comfortably with his wife and small children. But, feeling a burden for their people to know Jesus, they left their comfortable life and moved back to the pueblo.

Josue walks long distances, carrying heavy loads, to share the Gospel. For most of the past 20 years, the villages didn’t even have roads. Though vehicle tracks have now been carved into the mountains in most places, Josue still does a lot of his work on foot since he doesn’t have transportation.

​His whole focus is to bring more people into the kingdom. And now, with the Proclaimer, he can leave God’s Word in audio in the various villages so people can continue to hear and be discipled.

Never Abandoned

Never Abandoned

“I am a single mother with a daughter and two sons. Three years ago, I received Jesus, thinking that my man would change and that we could be together with the children. In spite of everything, he decided to abandon us, leaving me with three children to raise alone. I had a lot of resentment and hatred in my heart and never wanted to attend church again. I made the decision to ‘remake’ my life in . . ."

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“I have been called, too”

“I have been called, too”

“M” is an Indonesian man whose faithfulness over many years was key to the New Testament translation in his language. When the lead translator expressed his gratitude, M became very emotional and began to sob. Finally, he said, “This is why I have stuck with this for so long. God called me to be a part of this translation.” He then shared a dream he had . . .

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Lost Son Found

Lost Son Found

"I am Raju and I live in Nepal with my wife and four children. I accepted Christ years ago – but, because of my egoism, I forgot Jesus. Later, my wife became very sick and she could not speak, walk, or talk for a long time. We spent a lot of money and tried a lot of things for her healing. After another year, I began to suffer from blood-pressure issues and a severe stomach problem. I could not move and . . ."

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