“How will we live . . . ?”

“How will we live . . . ?”

“I placed the Proclaimers into several villages close to us,” one missionary and Every Church Every Village participant shared with us. “I told the people that I would be back in two weeks to pick up the Audio Bibles and take them to other villages.

​There was this one older woman with her broken arm in a tattered, filthy rag for a sling. I came to her village and told her that it was time for me to take the Proclaimer to another place so they could listen also. She went and got it – clinging to it with that dirty, broken arm – tears running down her face. She was talking in broken sobs.

"How will we know the WORDS of GOD?!"

I can’t speak the language yet, but I began to cry. My interpreter told me what she was saying: What will we do? How will we know the WORDS of GOD?! How will we live without this Bible? Please don’t take it from us. I could not stop crying. Even now, it still makes me cry.

​I told her to please stop crying . . . that it was okay . . . that she could keep it. Now, every time I stop there to check on her, she tells me about the people – how many are coming to listen and how much that they have changed!

Grace Multiplied

Grace Multiplied

Thet started a 1st generation listening group and trained many people in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. One of the disciples he trained, Khin, became very bold in sharing Christ. When he was ready . . .

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Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

Voice auditions for the Kannada New Testament recording were taking place and many people – such as bankers, engineers, teachers, and pastors – had been invited. Though the team was happy with their selections for the major roles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Jesus, they were a bit disappointed to be missing a talented reader for Paul. Soon after, G. entered the room. However, because a rare accident had . . .

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“I have been called, too”

“I have been called, too”

“M” is an Indonesian man whose faithfulness over many years was key to the New Testament translation in his language. When the lead translator expressed his gratitude, M became very emotional and began to sob. Finally, he said, “This is why I have stuck with this for so long. God called me to be a part of this translation.” He then shared a dream he had . . .

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