His Healing Stripes

His Healing Stripes

“It’s like you’re saying Jesus is God!” Ahmed scoffed in a loud whisper to the man who was sharing Isaiah 53 with him.

​“Just take these,” the man said quickly, pressing a couple of items into Ahmed’s hands.

​Ahmed looked down at the gifts as the man walked away. He didn’t really want them, but calling out or running after the man would draw unwanted attention. Living in safety required wisdom; since advertising such things was far from wise, he tucked them away in his coat and left the area.

When he got home, Ahmed pulled out the items to inspect them. The first was a Bible that he leafed through, wishing he could read. Though he was sure to disagree with it, he would still like to have known what it said. The second was a small digital player – the man had called it a “BibleStick.” Ahmed put the earbuds in and turned it on. He was amazed that this recording was talking about Isa (Jesus). Over the next few days, Ahmed listened to this Audio Bible, fascinated by what he was hearing.

​A few days later, a sudden scream from another part of the house startled him. He ran into the room to find his terrified wife holding their six-year-old daughter and turning in circles. Hayat’s eyes were closed, her body limp, and she didn’t seem to be breathing.

Everything went into slow motion as Ahmed saw the panic on his wife’s face, grabbed Hayat, tried to revive her, and then fumbled to get her outside and to the hospital. His vision narrowed and he felt as if they were traveling through a tunnel with darkened, shadowy edges. Why was everything moving so slowly? Why was everyone in their way?

Ahmed looked down at Hayat. She had been born paralyzed, blind, and deaf, but she was the sunshine of their lives; a joy, always sweet and loving. He shook his head. Now this? Why? Was this the end – after all she had been through?

Hayat wouldn't come out of the coma – she didn't have much longer to live

​At the hospital, the doctor told them Hayat wouldn’t come out of the coma – her heartbeat was too slow. She didn’t have much longer to live.

They took her home. Ahmed sat by his little girl, the tunnel growing smaller and darker as grief overwhelmed him. Then he spotted the Bible the man had given him sitting on the table next to Hayat. He grabbed it, held it over her head and cried, “Jesus, I hear from this book that You have healed many people. You have also brought the dead to life. My daughter isn’t dead yet, but please, if You still have the power, bring Hayat back to us – let her live again.”

He turned to put the Bible down and heard a noise behind him. As Ahmed spun around in shock, Hayat spoke. Then she stood up and began to walk; she even began to see and hear. Ahmed lifted Hayat into the air and started shouting to everyone within hearing, “Look at my daughter! She’s alive again! She can walk and talk and see! Jesus heard my prayers!”

When he called his father the day after the miracle to tell him what happened, he was surprised to hear him say, “Listen my son, Isa is alive and He can hear you whenever you ask. You just have to obey Him and follow Him.” In this area of the world where people are not free to claim the name of Christ without endangering their lives, Ahmed didn’t know that his father had become a Christ-follower.

Ahmed now shares Christ with others. His wife, his cousins, and some of his friends from work have all come to know Christ.

Released from Captivity

Released from Captivity

​In many parts of the world, those we call “men of peace” and “women of peace” are entrusted with Proclaimers to start Audio Bible listening groups. In Chad, the widespread effectiveness of this ministry approach is revealed by both a leader and a participant from villages in distant parts of the country: “I am a pastor and the man of peace in my village. It is forceful to come and hear the Word of God through the Proclaimer. God worked a miracle by transforming the life of a drunk in my group. Indeed, he was a man of hard character and he often . . ."

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“It spoke directly to my heart”

“It spoke directly to my heart”

A seemingly shy group of women waiting outside their church for a prayer meeting became very animated when asked about the impact of Audio Bible listening in their lives. One of the young women shared: “Everyone here speaks Cakchiquel. Before, when the Scriptures were read in Spanish, there were many words we did not understand. When the Audio Bible came, it was like a miracle. The meaning was clear and we understood everything. It was also like a video, because . . ."

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Full-Spectrum Healing

Full-Spectrum Healing

One pastor in Guatemala shared about his wife’s serious illness. In desperation, they'd spent all their money on doctors and couldn't get her healed. “But when we got the Cakchiquel Bible we put it in the church and began to listen. When my wife heard Jesus Christ speak Cakchiquel and heard about the paralytic that was healed she . . ."

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