Fetish Priest Finds Sacrifice

Fetish Priest Finds Sacrifice

Pastor M. tells this story:

“Nicolas, an 80-year-old fetish priest, was the head of his village and owned all the renowned fetishes of the region, which each have an idol attached to them.

He was known to be one of the most wicked animists of the region because his fetishes needed blood daily. If a person didn’t heed the fetish priest’s request, they were asked to kill their own family members in order to provide the blood required. Because of that, Nicolas was highly feared.

I seized that open door and told him about Christ, the free gift of God who died for all human beings.

Despite my concerns, God told me to talk to him about Christ. I visited his son and he took me to see Nicolas who was suffering from an abscess in his right armpit.

I introduced myself and told him that God sent me to talk with him. Nicolas said he would listen to me. I quickly started playing the Proclaimer at the first Epistle of John. A few minutes later, I stopped the Proclaimer and we engaged in a conversation.

After a while Nicolas became silent, held his chin, and started sobbing. When he stopped, he began sharing about his life, confessing all the bad things he had been doing. He said, ‘I raped women for power, killed people to feed my fetishes with their blood, because you cannot pass a day without doing so.’ He even shared about some other ways he had collected blood.

I seized that open door and told him about Christ, the free gift of God who died for all human beings. I told him that Jesus is the Savior for all, emphasizing that Jesus died for him. Surprisingly, this powerfully feared fetish priest decided to give his life to Christ unconditionally.

A few months later, Nicolas asked me to come back to see him. He was very ill and he pleaded with me, ‘Please, plant a church in this village!’

He died the next day.

An Audio Bible listening group still meets in his house with the JESUS film being used to plant the church he requested before he passed away.”

The man who once took lives is now bringing God’s New Life to his village.

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