Liberation in Liberia

Liberation in Liberia

God is moving mightily in the lives of Liberians – bringing transformation, reconciliation, healing, and hope to so many. Here are just a few of their amazing stories:

“I brought a terrible charm from my county to kill a man who was secretly meeting with my girlfriend. I was told to release the charm on him when I saw him. Upon my arrival in his district, a friend invited me to a Bible listening session. During this time, I heard ‘Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God’ for the first time in my own language. After the listening session, I turned the charm over to the pastor and made the decision to follow Jesus.” – S.B.

“My husband left our home after more than 3 years of my anger and disrespect. When I was invited to a listening group, I heard what the Bible had to say about submission and a discussion about anger. I made a choice to follow Jesus and have settled things with my husband. We are now part of the church.” – M.G.

"Thank God for the opportunity He has provided for us to listen."

“I could not stay in a village or town for more than 3 months after I lost my wife and children during the war. I was called names such as ‘a lazy man,’ ‘a man that did not want to work,’ ‘a man with a wandering spirit,’ and many others. In one town, I was invited by a friend to a listening session. I did listen and heard that I should cast all my cares on Jesus because he cares for me. At present, I have lived in this town for more than 6 months and started farming. I’m always part of the listening session now and have given my life to Jesus.” – D.K.

“My family was scattered because of my drinking habit. When I became a part of the Bible listening group, I stopped drinking. My family is now living together happily. Most joyfully, my wife has returned home. She had left me because of my drunkenness. Both of us are now part of the listening group and have started attending church services regularly. My wife and I have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Thank God for the opportunity He has provided for us to listen.” – J.G.

“I had been asked to serve as a district official for a secret society in which the devil serves as the supreme authority. The person in this office serves as chief during initiation ceremonies. After hearing in a Bible listening session that no man can serve two masters, I made the decision to refuse the position. Because of this, the society has been unable to hold the feast and initiate new members. Thank God that I listened to the Audio Bible.” – A.D.

Praise God with us for these personal examples of His profound work!

The One Who Gives Life

The One Who Gives Life

“I come from a family of witch doctors and never imagined going to church in my life, but God had a plan! My grandfather was the biggest witch doctor in our district of Cote d’Ivoire. At his death, my father inherited his charms, which were renowned throughout the neighboring areas. But my father, while not sick, died soon after – despite the power of his charms . . ."

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A Transformed Troublemaker

A Transformed Troublemaker

“I was an evil-doer, a gangster, a thief. There is no bandit act that I did not try – unless it did not cross my mind. I was arrested several times and put into prison, where I spent more than 15 years. It was in prison that I had contact with the Word of God. One pastor used to visit and share the Bible with us. At first, I listened to him as a way to kill time, but then . . .

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Lost Son Found

Lost Son Found

"I am Raju and I live in Nepal with my wife and four children. I accepted Christ years ago – but, because of my egoism, I forgot Jesus. Later, my wife became very sick and she could not speak, walk, or talk for a long time. We spent a lot of money and tried a lot of things for her healing. After another year, I began to suffer from blood-pressure issues and a severe stomach problem. I could not move and . . ."

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