The Path of Truth

The Path of Truth

“My life was not disciplined. My friends and I had no purpose to our lives; we gambled all the time. Gambling even caused me to lose my farmland. There were times I beat my wife for no reason; our life together was not happy.

​The pastor from the village church would often visit my house and pray for me, but I didn’t listen to him. One day when I was passing by a house, I suddenly heard someone reading. I was astonished because I knew that nobody in that house could read or write.

I was very curious, so I entered the house and saw a group of 12 to 15 people listening to something (I found out later it was the Word of God on a Proclaimer). I didn’t know why, but I joined with them and began to listen.

Something happened . . . I joined the listening group every Tuesday to listen to the Word. I realized that I was not leading a happy life at all. I don’t know how, but gradually my life started to change.

"The Word of God completely changed my life."

My friends were not happy about this change, but I was happy. I learned many lessons from the Bible with the pastor’s help; we always pray together.

I gave up all of my bad habits and chose the path of Truth. The Word of God completely changed my life. My past was not so good, but now I lead a happy life.

​My neighbors are even surprised by seeing the change in me. I simply tell them that Jesus changed my life. I was in death, but now I am in Life. Prayer and Bible reading are now a part of our family life. I always sit with my wife and study the Bible – and pray to my Lord Jesus.”

Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

Voice auditions for the Kannada New Testament recording were taking place and many people – such as bankers, engineers, teachers, and pastors – had been invited. Though the team was happy with their selections for the major roles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Jesus, they were a bit disappointed to be missing a talented reader for Paul. Soon after, G. entered the room. However, because a rare accident had . . .

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The God Who Does Miracles

The God Who Does Miracles

“In my village, more than 80% adhere to the belief system that I was born into and had practiced until I got married. My entire neighborhood belongs to this religion. Before I became a Christian, I had been an epileptic since childhood. One day, I went to listen to the New Testament on a Proclaimer out of curiosity and heard that . . ."

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“The Word of God is alive”

“The Word of God is alive”

​As a popular poet, songwriter, and local radio personality, Alina earned the respect of her people long ago. Though she had never read the Bible and was not a Christian, she was very enthusiastic about being chosen to participate as one of the narrators for the Audio New Testament in her language. Soon after the recording process began . . .

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