The Path of Truth

The Path of Truth

“My life was not disciplined. My friends and I had no purpose to our lives; we gambled all the time. Gambling even caused me to lose my farmland. There were times I beat my wife for no reason; our life together was not happy.

​The pastor from the village church would often visit my house and pray for me, but I didn’t listen to him. One day when I was passing by a house, I suddenly heard someone reading. I was astonished because I knew that nobody in that house could read or write.

I was very curious, so I entered the house and saw a group of 12 to 15 people listening to something (I found out later it was the Word of God on a Proclaimer). I didn’t know why, but I joined with them and began to listen.

Something happened . . . I joined the listening group every Tuesday to listen to the Word. I realized that I was not leading a happy life at all. I don’t know how, but gradually my life started to change.

"The Word of God completely changed my life."

My friends were not happy about this change, but I was happy. I learned many lessons from the Bible with the pastor’s help; we always pray together.

I gave up all of my bad habits and chose the path of Truth. The Word of God completely changed my life. My past was not so good, but now I lead a happy life.

​My neighbors are even surprised by seeing the change in me. I simply tell them that Jesus changed my life. I was in death, but now I am in Life. Prayer and Bible reading are now a part of our family life. I always sit with my wife and study the Bible – and pray to my Lord Jesus.”

“The Word of God is alive”

“The Word of God is alive”

​As a popular poet, songwriter, and local radio personality, Alina earned the respect of her people long ago. Though she had never read the Bible and was not a Christian, she was very enthusiastic about being chosen to participate as one of the narrators for the Audio New Testament in her language. Soon after the recording process began . . .

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Full-Spectrum Healing

Full-Spectrum Healing

One pastor in Guatemala shared about his wife’s serious illness. In desperation, they'd spent all their money on doctors and couldn't get her healed. “But when we got the Cakchiquel Bible we put it in the church and began to listen. When my wife heard Jesus Christ speak Cakchiquel and heard about the paralytic that was healed she . . ."

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Waikia and the Key

Waikia and the Key

​A leader of her Sanumá village in the Amazon basin, Waikia was part of a regional listening group training and received a Proclaimer to take back to her community. Though she had never seen or heard a Proclaimer before the training, she gathered her husband, children, nieces, and nephews – 18 people altogether – to listen as soon as she arrived home. When she began to turn the handle . . .

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