“There is no one like Him”

“There is no one like Him”

A boy full of enthusiasm and faith in God, 8-year-old Enrique lives on a small ranch in Costa Rica with his large, multi-generational family.

Through listening to the New Testament on a Bribri Proclaimer during services and prayer times, he has learned to love God and draw close to Him. By paying attention to his parents, he has understood that God died for us and that He is powerful. “There is no one like Him,” as he expresses it with his child’s heart, full of love for the Lord.

Ever since his grandmother taught him how to pray, prayer has become an indispensable part of the services. Enrique prays by giving thanks to God, thanking Him for his mother and father, and asking for strength and the blessing of a beautiful day.

He has been a witness to the power of God.

Despite his young age, Enrique has seen how his prayers have been heard. One day, while treating a pig from their farm, his grandfather accidentally cut one of its veins, which began to bleed heavily. That same evening, they knelt down together to pray for the pig. The emotion that accompanied their prayers was so great that they could not help but go out to see if it had been answered immediately.

How great were their surprise and joy when they found that the animal was no longer hemorrhaging – that it was practically on its feet again! The account will forever be engraved on Enrique’s heart and mind. This child is now convinced that his prayers to the Lord are always answered because he has been a witness to the power of God when a sincere heart lifts up a prayer full of faith.

Loving the Discarded

Loving the Discarded

"What would happen if you took a group of homeless, drug-addicted street kids and believed in them? Four years ago I did just that. I adopted a community of 17 kids living on the streets of Mexico City; all were addicted to inhalants. Unfortunately, 3 of the original 17 have died. But for the rest, the future is promising. I'm not declaring total victory, because it’s common for . . ."

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She Remembered God’s Voice

She Remembered God’s Voice

“God!” Her cry became a wail. All the worry, all the fear, all the anxiety she had been carrying erupted to the surface. She tried to be quiet, but couldn’t. The sobs came out on their own – from some deep place that refused to be silenced. She buried her face in a pillow to stifle the sound. With nine children . . .

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Dark Plans Gone Awry

Dark Plans Gone Awry

Jesse rose early, dressed quietly, and set out for the forest. The night before, his father had asked him to go to the market. Jesse wanted to please his father, but didn't want to miss his Audio Bible listening group, so he started out before dawn to be back in time for church. Traveling through the dark forests of Togo was dangerous, but he knew God could protect him . . .

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