She Remembered God’s Voice

She Remembered God’s Voice


Her cry became a wail. All the worry, all the fear, all the anxiety she had been carrying erupted to the surface. She tried to be quiet, but couldn’t. The sobs came out on their own – from some deep place that refused to be silenced.

She buried her face in a pillow to stifle the sound. With nine children, the house was never empty, so it was amazing that she found herself alone enough for the emotions to take over. The older children had taken the younger ones to the river, but she knew they could walk in at any moment, so she made herself stop.

She stared at the wall, her head pounding. What was she supposed to do?

How would they survive? There was absolutely no way. There wasn’t any food left. How was she supposed to earn money for food and take care of her children at the same time?

The stress made her feel faint. She was already weak from hardly eating anything to make the food last longer for her children.

Ever since her husband had been put in jail, worry had consumed her. She imagined slow, painful deaths for all of them. It was tormenting.

“God! If you’re real, please show me – help me!”

A light came into the room; she looked around in shock. Was she really seeing this?

Peace came over her as she felt everything was going to be okay, even though it made no sense.

It was so beautiful . . .

Then she heard a voice: Myaing.

Was she imagining things? Maybe the stress and hunger were finally getting to her and she was hallucinating. But no, she felt such peace. And somehow, even though she had never heard His voice before, she knew it was God. He told her He was real and that her husband would be released from jail at 9 that morning.

“God . . .”

He was real. He saw her. He would take care of them.

After her children came home, she got so busy that she didn’t notice the time. But as the hours passed, she began wondering where her husband was. Why wasn’t he home yet? Discouragement hit her like a sledgehammer for a few long moments. Maybe she’d dreamed the whole thing?

No! She remembered the peace; she remembered the light; and, above all, she remembered God’s voice. He was real. He saw her. He would take care of them.

When her husband walked in, he said he’d been released at 9 – it had just taken him awhile to get home.

“God . . .”

Before this happened, Myaing’s niece, Shein, had been talking to an American woman about Jesus. The woman taught Shein’s son at school, and they talked while walking to and from the village.

Shein told the woman that she believed in God, but her husband disagreed so strongly that it would be very hard to make a life change.

Not long after, Myaing had this miracle from God and the barriers began to fall.

The American woman’s husband took them a Proclaimer, and now both parts of the family are listening to God’s Word in their heart language. They want to pass it on to others as soon as they’re done, so their friends can hear, too.

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