A Transformed Troublemaker

A Transformed Troublemaker

“I was an evil-doer, a gangster, a thief. There is no bandit act that I did not try – unless it did not cross my mind. I was arrested several times and put into prison, where I spent more than 15 years.

It was in prison that I had contact with the Word of God. One pastor used to visit and share the Bible with us. At first, I listened to him as a way to kill time, but then I became interested in the words he was sharing with us.

When I got out of prison and came back to my hometown, I wanted to continue listening to the words the pastor had shared with us in prison. However, I was not sure if the pastor there would welcome me; before I was arrested, at any place I went to, people ran away from me.

"I had the conviction that Jesus’ invitation was also meant for me."

But the Pastor welcomed me and I joined the Proclaimer listening group. One day we listened to the passage where Jesus invited the tax-collector to follow Him. Jesus knew that he was a sinful man – a ‘thief’ – and yet He invited him. I had the conviction that Jesus’ invitation was also meant for me and I responded to Him as the tax-collector did.

From that time on my life has changed and, because I had been the greatest troublemaker, the area is now in peace. The transformation of my life is a wonder across the whole region.”

Grace Multiplied

Grace Multiplied

Thet started a 1st generation listening group and trained many people in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. One of the disciples he trained, Khin, became very bold in sharing Christ. When he was ready . . .

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She Could Be Healed, Too!

She Could Be Healed, Too!

At 78, Maurah has seen more than her share of hardship. Widowed nearly 30 years ago, and crippled for some time, none of her 8 children live near enough to care for her. Even in her extreme poverty, Maurah opened her heart and . . .

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Neva says “Never . . .”

Neva says “Never . . .”

No stranger to problems, trials, and testing, Neva has discovered that attitude makes all the difference. ​The life of the Apostle Paul, in particular, has provided her with inspiration. As the group listened to the Audio Bible on the Proclaimer, they discussed all that Paul endured just to . . .

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