“We believe in His Word”

“We believe in His Word”

“Since we received the Proclaimer and started listening to God’s Word, a lot of things in our lives have changed. Now we feel peace and security. We feel protected and we know that God takes care of us and encourages us every day.

Our oldest son got very sick; he had a high fever and needed to be hospitalized. In fact, he was so sick that we all thought he might die. But we trusted the Lord and surrendered all our troubles to Him. We prayed with the faith that we learned about through listening to His Word. We believed that He would heal our son and God answered our prayers; our son is doing well now.

"Once again, God performed a miracle."

Then, our 6-year-old granddaughter got sick; she had stomach problems and also had to be hospitalized. Having learned how to listen to God’s voice, and trusting that He answers our prayers, we lifted her up faithfully. Once again, God performed a miracle – He healed our granddaughter! While she is still receiving treatment, we know that she is in God’s hands. God is so good! He talks to us and He answers our prayers.

Now we are praying for my sister who needs gallbladder surgery. But we are also praying for God to speak to many other gypsies who need Him. Our people often do things that aren’t good – like believing in luck in order to live – but God will continue to change us and one day these habits will all go away.

God talks to us and answers our prayers because He is good. We trust Him and we believe in His Word.”

Teaching Truth

Teaching Truth

As the first believer in the village, Mama Christy spent many years craving God’s Word because she couldn't read. Even though she asked others to come and read the Bible aloud whenever they could, her spiritual hunger was never fully satisfied. Another disappointment came later, when . . .

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Life-Giving Lessons

Life-Giving Lessons

Teachers in Argentina are embracing the use of Proclaimers in the classroom to bring spiritual growth and understanding to their pupils through Audio Bible listening. One of the teachers wrote: “I’m using the Proclaimer as a working tool for my students – school children – to listen to the stories [of the Bible]. After this, the children participate and think about what they understood. They are very enthusiastic about . . ."

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“The Word of God is alive”

“The Word of God is alive”

​As a popular poet, songwriter, and local radio personality, Alina earned the respect of her people long ago. Though she had never read the Bible and was not a Christian, she was very enthusiastic about being chosen to participate as one of the narrators for the Audio New Testament in her language. Soon after the recording process began . . .

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