God Had Other Plans

God Had Other Plans

“I traveled to Mozambique, where I am involved with a ministry in building an orphanage. The Proclaimer I brought was to be left there (that was my plan). There is a church on the property and they have several weekly Bible studies with people from the surrounding villages, so it made sense to leave the Proclaimer with them. But that was not what the Lord wanted.

A ministry team was sent to do a three-day crusade at a nearby village in the evenings. After the second day of the crusade, the pastor wanted me to leave the Proclaimer in this village. I was not feeling that is where the Lord wanted the Proclaimer to be, but that is what the pastor wanted.

During the third day of the crusade, I was invited to go with the pastor to another village where hundreds of people had died earlier in the year when the local river flooded. I was told that the pastor was going to meet with the Chief. At first I said no, but quickly the Lord told me to go.

There was no meeting with the Chief; instead, we met with a small group of ladies and children. We had an amazing worship service (singing, with no instruments). The pastor then said he wanted me to come back tomorrow for their Sunday service and leave the Proclaimer with them. I was not settled that is where the Lord wanted the Proclaimer, but I said okay (I still wanted to leave it at the orphanage).

"Words cannot explain the expressions I saw on their faces."

The next morning we left and, when we arrived, we sat in the car for quite some time with nothing happening. Then one lady came with a plastic chair, then another, then another – and more ladies arrived with more chairs. Finally, they invited us into the building that was their church: an old concrete-block building with a rusted metal roof.

They set up all the chairs and a table with a nice cloth on it before they started worshiping (singing only). It was beautiful and it invited the presence of the Lord. At the end of the service, the ladies were told that they would be receiving the Proclaimer. Words cannot explain the expressions I saw on their faces – joy, happiness, excitement, and thankfulness. They could not believe they were receiving this gift.

I presented the Proclaimer to a young lady who the Lord had pointed out to me during worship. She was so happy and excited; tears of joy ran down her cheeks. This is where the Lord wanted the Proclaimer to be.

What a blessing for me to have the opportunity to give these people the Word of God in their own language so they can share it with the people of their village!”

“I have been called, too”

“I have been called, too”

“M” is an Indonesian man whose faithfulness over many years was key to the New Testament translation in his language. When the lead translator expressed his gratitude, M became very emotional and began to sob. Finally, he said, “This is why I have stuck with this for so long. God called me to be a part of this translation.” He then shared a dream he had . . .

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The One Who Gives Life

The One Who Gives Life

“I come from a family of witch doctors and never imagined going to church in my life, but God had a plan! My grandfather was the biggest witch doctor in our district of Cote d’Ivoire. At his death, my father inherited his charms, which were renowned throughout the neighboring areas. But my father, while not sick, died soon after – despite the power of his charms . . ."

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Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Sarnai had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, but her husband fiercely disapproved. Not only did he threaten to end her life if she continued to worship in the “foreign” religion, but he tore up her Bible. Fear of her husband’s reaction kept Sarnai from going to church, or even meeting with other believers, for several years. As time passed, her husband . . .

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