Teaching Truth

Teaching Truth

As the first believer in the village, Mama Christy spent many years craving God’s Word because she couldn’t read. Even though she asked others to come and read the Bible aloud whenever they could, her spiritual hunger was never fully satisfied. Another disappointment came later, when the rest of her family decided to drop out of church after coming very close to knowing God. But through the hardships Mama Christy never lost faith.

Within a month of receiving a Proclaimer, her very traditional Maasai family (pictured in front of their protective thorn fence, or boma) was listening to the Audio New Testament constantly. One young grandson listens practically everywhere he goes, including at the nearby river. A granddaughter takes it home at night and listens to it with her kids. Not only is the family passing it around so all can hear, but they also listen regularly while gathered together.

“Now I am teaching my family that this is the truth.”

​Mama Christy is so grateful – not only to have constant access to God’s Word, but to watch her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren enjoy its many blessings. They are all coming closer and closer to their own relationships with Jesus because, “Now,” she says, “I am teaching my family that this is the truth.”

From Fear to Freedom

From Fear to Freedom

​"Don't let them in! They bring confusion! They'll steal your children – don't let them into your houses!" ​Chalchiuitl looked up for a minute as the message broadcast through the pueblo – then went back to braiding grass. She made 20¢ for every eight feet she braided. At that rate, she needed to stay focused and keep working. But she would listen to the religious leader – she wouldn't talk to the strangers. Within a week, the strangers left. Over the next couple of years, she saw her neighbors who had talked with them listening to a black box. At first she . . .

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Waikia and the Key

Waikia and the Key

​A leader of her Sanumá village in the Amazon basin, Waikia was part of a regional listening group training and received a Proclaimer to take back to her community. Though she had never seen or heard a Proclaimer before the training, she gathered her husband, children, nieces, and nephews – 18 people altogether – to listen as soon as she arrived home. When she began to turn the handle . . .

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Life-Giving Lessons

Life-Giving Lessons

Teachers in Argentina are embracing the use of Proclaimers in the classroom to bring spiritual growth and understanding to their pupils through Audio Bible listening. One of the teachers wrote: “I’m using the Proclaimer as a working tool for my students – school children – to listen to the stories [of the Bible]. After this, the children participate and think about what they understood. They are very enthusiastic about . . ."

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