Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

“The Proclaimers were an incredible blessing to people in the mountain villages of Haiti! Pastor David had selected a few men from his ministry to receive them. It was such a blessing to see the awe and joy on their faces as they heard the Word in their own language, Haitian Creole.

My favorite story was about Mathieu, a 16-year-old boy who had been caring for his mother and 4 siblings since his father (a voodoo priest) had passed away. The family was so poor that they did not eat every day, and Mathieu was unable to attend school because he spent his days trying to provide for his family.

"Mathieu . . . recited whole chapters of the Bible."

Mathieu often shadowed Pastor David’s daily ministry and soon accepted the Lord as his Savior. Learning of their situation, a Christian ministry provided the family with food and purchased pigs for them to raise and sell in the market. As a result, Mathieu was able to begin school again.

When we turned on the Proclaimer, Mathieu said every word with it – not repeating the words, but preaching it word-for-word! The photo [above] doesn’t do it justice. As he and his friends listened, Mathieu picked up the Proclaimer, carried it on his shoulder like a boom-box, turned up the volume, and recited whole chapters of the Bible. It was incredible!

Thank you for sharing these Proclaimers with the people in this very poor, very remote, ‘mountain-beyond-the-mountain’ area that is overcoming the spiritual darkness of voodoo with the hope found in Christ. What a wonderful ministry!”

This testimony was received from a participant in our Every Church Every Village program.

Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

Proclaimer-flavored Ice Cream

"A friend of mine works at an ice cream shop that is visited by many children, youth, adults, and seniors. She asked me to lend her the Proclaimer to play there. She told me that when she turned it on her colleague was very angry because he wanted to listen to secular music on the radio that is in the store. But when he tried to turn the radio on . . ."

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“I Will Give You Rest”

“I Will Give You Rest”

For one Tanzanian woman, life offered little relief. Neema constantly fought with her husband over his alcohol abuse. Often the family could barely afford to buy food, but she always managed to keep a small reserve of corn in the house so they would have something to eat. ​Following a particularly intense fight, she went to a friend’s home and waited for her husband's anger to subside. When Neema finally returned, her husband had . . .

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“We believe in His Word”

“We believe in His Word”

“Since we received the Proclaimer and started listening to God's Word, a lot of things in our lives have changed. Now we feel peace and security. We feel protected and we know that God takes care of us and encourages us every day. Our oldest son got very sick; he had a high fever and needed to be hospitalized. In fact, he was so sick that we all thought he might die. But we . . ."

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