“Food for our spirits”

“Food for our spirits”

God is moving mightily through Audio Bible listening! These testimonies from various places around one Southeast Asian country show the profound changes that Jesus Christ is making in people’s lives:​

“We are farmers and don’t have training, but by listening we are becoming qualified leaders. By listening to the Gospels, I know Jesus more and understand why He came. When I listen, it is easy to remember His miracles. Before, we did not have enough food for three months of each year. After hearing the miracle of Jesus feeding the multitude, we prayed – and God gave us enough food for the whole year.

Before, I didn’t know the Bible. Now, I know it and my life has changed. I used to drink a lot of alcohol; I have given up drinking and smoking. I used to be angry with my family all the time. Now, I have grown in love for them. I was only 21 and had 3 children. Instead of carousing all the time, now I want to serve God full-time.”
Group member

“I use the Audio Bible for my devotions and while I travel. The church members use the Audio Bible every day and meet to discuss it. The primary benefit is that the people use it to encourage one another. They can remember the stories and often share them with each other.”

“I used to worship many gods. Even though I was married, I also had many girlfriends. Now I love only my wife and two kids. I am involved in worship ministry. God has saved me.”
Group member

"We share our blessings in the surrounding hills."

“Our church has 400 members. By listening we have come to understand our sin, then to know Jesus’ teaching, and then to know salvation. Before listening, our village had many problems including alcoholism, men with many wives, and unforgiveness. After listening, people have given up drinking and carousing and now we have learned to love and forgive each other.”
Church pastor​

“It is amazing that every evening we can hear the Audio Bible playing in every house.”
Group member

“I want to thank the Lord for the microSD cards that we have received. Since we have no cell phones, we use the cards in digital players. Most of us can’t read. People used to watch Western TV shows all the time and then try to pattern their lives after these shows. Now they don’t watch these shows, but instead they spend all their time listening to the Audio Bible.

They listen all day as they work in the fields. When they have a break, they gather together to discuss what they have heard. This is food for our spirits every day. Our people are now far more active in church. It is hard for us to serve the Lord because we work hard in the fields all day, but we do love the Lord. We share our blessings in the surrounding hills, up to 100 kilometers away.”
Group leader​

“Bible listening helped me change the way that I communicate with others. I used to just correct others all the time. Everyone began to hate me. Now I know the love of God and try to communicate in this love. Before I lived for myself, but now I have offered my life to God.”
Group member

Salvation Revealed

Salvation Revealed

Elbrus, a 30-year-old man from Azerbaijan, grew up in a family of atheists. "There is no God" was the thinking all through his childhood. His brother, though, turned to a faith that his family disagreed with and thus condemned him. Elbrus began to think about his brother’s faith but could not make a decision about it. One day Elbrus heard two people speaking about God . . .

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Dark Plans Gone Awry

Dark Plans Gone Awry

Jesse rose early, dressed quietly, and set out for the forest. The night before, his father had asked him to go to the market. Jesse wanted to please his father, but didn't want to miss his Audio Bible listening group, so he started out before dawn to be back in time for church. Traveling through the dark forests of Togo was dangerous, but he knew God could protect him . . .

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Life-Giving Lessons

Life-Giving Lessons

Teachers in Argentina are embracing the use of Proclaimers in the classroom to bring spiritual growth and understanding to their pupils through Audio Bible listening. One of the teachers wrote: “I’m using the Proclaimer as a working tool for my students – school children – to listen to the stories [of the Bible]. After this, the children participate and think about what they understood. They are very enthusiastic about . . ."

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