Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Broken Healer Healed – and Healing Others

Sarnai had accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, but her husband fiercely disapproved. Not only did he threaten to end her life if she continued to worship in the “foreign” religion, but he tore up her Bible. Fear of her husband’s reaction kept Sarnai from going to church, or even meeting with other believers, for several years.

As time passed, her husband developed a serious addiction to alcohol and began to beat her regularly. Feeling depressed and very alone in this unbearable situation, Sarnai secretly went back to church. She immediately shared her story and joined with the church leader and fellow believers in praying against the drunkenness. Soon after, something like a miracle happened – her husband suddenly changed his mind and allowed her to go to church with his full knowledge and permission.

God has used the pain of her past to motivate Sarnai to help even more people.

Unfortunately, the years of heavy drinking had done enough damage that her husband’s health rapidly deteriorated. By the time he went to see a specialist, they discovered that he was in liver failure. Even though Sarnai had a full workload as a doctor at the local hospital, she was faithful to look after and encourage her husband until the moment he passed away.

God has used the pain of her past to motivate Sarnai to help even more people. In addition to her regular job, she began going into the countryside to care for the sick several days a week. However, her days became so busy – from early morning to late night – that she rarely had time to read the Bible.

Thankfully, the ministry partner that shared her story with us was able to provide Sarnai with a ready solution: an Audio Bible in her heart language. Now, whether at home or while out providing medical aid, Sarnai can listen to the Bible and provide a healing touch to others – both physically and spiritually.

Loving the Discarded

Loving the Discarded

"What would happen if you took a group of homeless, drug-addicted street kids and believed in them? Four years ago I did just that. I adopted a community of 17 kids living on the streets of Mexico City; all were addicted to inhalants. Unfortunately, 3 of the original 17 have died. But for the rest, the future is promising. I'm not declaring total victory, because it’s common for . . ."

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She Could Be Healed, Too!

She Could Be Healed, Too!

At 78, Maurah has seen more than her share of hardship. Widowed nearly 30 years ago, and crippled for some time, none of her 8 children live near enough to care for her. Even in her extreme poverty, Maurah opened her heart and . . .

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God Had Other Plans

God Had Other Plans

"I traveled to Mozambique, where I am involved with a ministry in building an orphanage. The Proclaimer I brought was to be left there (that was my plan). There is a church on the property and they have several weekly Bible studies with people from the surrounding villages, so it made sense to leave the Proclaimer with them. But that was not what the Lord wanted. A ministry team was sent to . . ."

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